I know this blog is supposed to be about the happenings in and around Nollywood but there is absolutely no way I can not write about the most momentous occasion that just took place in history and that is the Inauguration of the 44th American President, Barack Hussein Obama. Barack Obama, the child of destiny, the man prepared for 'such a time as this'. Who would have thought guessed (and I quote him) that 'the little skinny kid with the funny sounding name' would end up being the next American President? Barack is really a child of destiny prepared for these times. Why do I say that? Well, he was born of an African father in the United States and in his formative years,grew up in Hawaii. He escaped growing up in the innercities with its crime and poverty..that so many of his ilk were subjected to. He was not filled with doubts of what he could be or not but knew that whatever he set his mind to be, he would be. So here we are! Yes we can! Yes we did! Africa, this is...